Canadian Pharmacy experts gathered and adapted the tips of the Norwegian Union of asthmatics and allergy sufferers – NAAF (Norges Astma- og Allergiforbund). These tips can be applied for daily use by asthmatics who experience certain health problems and social issues of living “full” life because of their disorder.
The most important NAAF recommendations for asthmatics

NAAF believes that it is necessary to ventilate the room for at least 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes. Typically, in this case the observed increase in humidity and decrease in temperature, which results in that dust is flying in the air becomes heavier and sits on the floor. It is necessary to maintain the proper room temperature in the region of 20-22 degrees above zero (Celsius) and in a bedroom - about 5 degrees below zero (Celsius). Whenever possible, bedclothes should be displayed for airing on the street, and then carefully shake. It is necessary to keep clean the carpets, as well as all other interior at home, at work, at school or kindergarten.
NAAF believes that the use of chemical substances should be avoided during the cleaning of an apartment where an asthmatic lives. There are recommended "dry" methods of cleaning apartments. General cleaning of an entire home, with walls and a ceiling hook or should not be carried out at least once a year. Do not use heaters that are difficult to keep clean. Regularly clean the kitchen fans and to prevent their pollution splashes of fat and vapors from cooking.
Also remember that most pets can be allergens for asthmatics. A turtle is the only pet which does not cause allergies. Now let’s take a closer look at these and other daily tips for asthmatics.
The sources of asthma pollution at home that must be avoided:
- Tobacco smoke
Tobacco smoke is a complex mixture of thousands of different chemical compounds and is very harmful to health. Inhalation of tobacco smoke is directly linked with the development of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), like smokers themselves and those who are exposed to passive smoking. No smoking indoors.
- Carpets
Carpets may look clean, but usually they wear a lot of dust and other contaminants, rising air currents. Raising the dust of these "storage" may lead to problems such indoor climate as "dry" air, as well as skin irritation skin and mucous membranes. The carpet material may also be a source of dust during wear.
- Kitchen during cooking
The steam produced during cooking or frying food can be a cause reactions in people with allergies. That is why it is important to have a clean and powerful kitchen fan.
- “Bad” dust
Dust settles easily on rough surfaces, such as wall panels or untreated textile wall. Quilted upholstered furniture and the "heavy" curtains, decorative objects and cushions also collect a lot of dust. Open cabinets and closets, do not reach the ceiling are places where dust and Planning a lie for a long time. Use a smooth surface in the interior of the home, which is easier to clean. Use cabinets with doors and chests with lids instead of open shelves and boxes.
Dirt and dust reduce the indoor air quality and can lead to increased reactions associated with allergy or hypersensitivity. In a humid and warm environment such as bathroom dirt can be the basis for the development of mold and microorganisms provoking asthma attacks.
“Normal” dust at home, at work or at school may consist of soil particles, exfoliated skin, pollen, allergens animal, fungal spores, soot, sand and food waste. Since dust mixed allergens and other substances that can cause allergic reactions. Dimensions of dust particles can be different, but still they are so small that they can float in the air and with it enter the respiratory system. The smaller dust particles, the deeper they penetrate into lungs. This can have a great impact on human health. Therefore, good cleaning is important for good health.
- Streets with heavy traffic
Dust and other contamination from these streets, passing close to residential homes, businesses and schools, may penetrate into a room through vents and other openings in buildings. And asthmatics must avoid being in such climate and prevent working in such surrounding.
- Dirty ventilation ducts
Dusty and dirty vents and channels, as well as old filters can serve as a basis for the development of negative microbiological environment that is then released into air in a room. Remember that heat exchangers can collect dust as well.
- Furry pets
Exfoliated skin particles, dandruff, hair and woolly secretion allocation of domestic pets and birds may facilitate the emergence of a large number of allergens in air. Cat or dog food, cat litter, straws or sawdust in animal cells can cause allergic asthmatic reactions as well.
The medical advices about cleaning of rooms for asthmatics by Canadian Pharmacy
For a long time in Norway most people traditionally applied a large number of strong detergents for house cleaning. Many people think that copious amounts of water and detergent will give the best cleaning effect. Moisture and warmth create optimal conditions for the growth of bacteria and fungi. The same goes for the wet floor. In Norwegian houses (as well as in U.S. house) there is a tradition and in some places there are to this day, the use of liquid "green" soap, because it is identified with something natural and pure. Many asthmatics still believe that it is possible to equate "green soap" and purity. Detergents can not only damage the interior materials, but also cause severe allergic reactions.
Nowadays on sale there are many types of detergents. They have a different chemical composition, which makes the difficult choice of a suitable chemical detergent. The structure of such means can include ammonia, chlorine, solvents, preservatives, color and perfume additives. The substances which give the product its color and smell are not active additives and may have an additional negative impact on an indoor environment and human health.
The preventive measures for people to avoid asthmatic outbursts

Frequent dry cleaning helps to create a healthy internal environment for all. In addition, it is easy to hold and helps to prevent damage to property and health. There are many ways of washing floors, which can be called a wash using "oil", disposable, synthetic rope and mop. Such methods include dry cleaning category, which do not require the use of water and chemicals. "Difficult" stains on the floor of course need to be removed with a damp cloth or pre-irrigating the clean water. Carpets that cannot shake in the street, it should be cleaned with a good cleaner, better – when you use a built-in or central vacuum cleaner with HEPA-filter.
Dry cleaning should be used and when washing tables, benches, doors, etc. Cloth Microfiber has a positive electrocharge static and dust-negative one. This explains the fact that the microfibre cloth is much better than gathering dust than cotton, which has a negative charge and therefore less effective at wiping dust. Quilted mattresses and upholstered furniture should be thoroughly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
9 life-hack tips for asthmatics from Online Canadian Pharmacy:
- Try to avoid being near pollen that is one of the most dangerous allergens;
- Protect yourself from cold weather;
- Provide the constant flow of fresh air into a room where you sleep or work;
- Do not neglect using natural remedies along with chemical anti-asthmatic medications;
- Flowers and animals should be excluded at home;
- Be careful to surrounding cloths and materials at your home and work – avoid 100% cotton, feather pillows and blankets;
- Avoid rapid exercises that can provoke a sudden and severe asthma attack;
- Stay away from toxins and debris;
- Do not dwell on your illness – it is easy to have a normal lifestyle even if you have to use an inhaler on a daily basis.
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Asthma patients often suffer from the stereotype "can’t eat or do anything". This is not conducive for a good psychological climate. In order not to feel alone and to solve problems together with people who have been exposed to them, it is possible to engage in special asthma support groups. They will help to how to survive through asthma and, therefore, to get a more responsible attitude towards your health and lifestyle in general.
The most important tip from Canadian Pharmacy experts: you can keep the disease under control and even to gradually reduce the amount of treatment. Many leading allergy-producing drugs people suffer from bronchial asthma. These people help adapt your lifestyle to the condition and find out how to cope with it in any age. Also asthmatics have to visit a doctor regularly. A healthcare specialist knows when to increase or decrease the daily dose when antibiotics for preventing complications due to bacterial infection. Also consult our experts if you have any asthma or other health-related questions.
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