Almost everybody knows the incredible capabilities of Viagra. This is a resourceful preparation, which is targeted at overcoming difficulties with erectile dysfunction. It contains in its composition Sildenafil. This is a specific PDE5 inhibitor that is answerable for eliminating problems with gaining erection.

The major physical problem of troubled erection is inappropriate blood streaming in the pelvic organs. Sildenafil relaxes the walls of blood vessels producing enough amounts of blood for proper erection. There are also other inhibitors of the same family, which have the same effects.

It seems that this is an excellent way out of this delicate situation. Nevertheless, many men refuse administrating medical cures. The main reason to that is synthetic way of creation of these cures and their negative affection upon the organism and merely all its systems. They induce different adverse reactions that are hazardous for human health.

Due to this fact, people seek for natural alternatives. There are multiple natural plants, herbs and other products that can maintain your erection. They can even improve its quality and duration. At times, these products are quite surprising. One would never believe that some of them are at hand and are capable to help. One of such is watermelon!

Recently, there have been started serious discussions concerning the effects of watermelon and its impact upon the ability to have erection. Multiple researches assure that it can maintain male power.

Helpful Properties


Prior to considering the possible assistance for erectile dysfunction, it is worth viewing other positive effects of this berry. It contains different vitamins and other healthy elements that are needed for proper functioning of our system. It includes vitamins A, B, C, E, folic acid, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron and magnesium. In addition, it has lycopene in its composition. It possesses antioxidant property.

This all makes it utterly helpful for our system. It has multiple positive properties. Watermelon:

  • Eliminates excess fluids. Thus, it prevents edema.
  • Provides effectual detoxification of all system, removing salts, sands and different toxins. It can greatly help individualities that suffer from different types of cancer.
  • Neutralizes constipation.
  • Calms down and releases from nerve tension.
  • Cures anemia.
  • Improves the functions of digestive organs.

This is a pleasant sign that it is as helpful as tasty.

Harmful Impact

You have also to memorize definite conditions, when usage of this berry is dangerous for our health. You have to cautiously choose watermelons. Many of them contain great amounts of nitrates that poison our system. Your watermelon has to be ripe as well. Cut it with clean knife and try to consume it the same day it was sliced. Avoid eating it before the bedtime to prevent strain on the kidneys.

There are also other precautions. Do not eat it if you have:

  • Digestive ailments and dysfunctions;
  • Diseases of heart and blood;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Flatulence;
  • Ailments of stomach;
  • Spleen;
  • Allergies to watermelon;

Remembering these vital points, you will not have any complications with eating this delicious product. However, you should avoid overeating it.

The Miracle Capabilities of Watermelon

There is a great belief that a conventional for many people watermelon can replace the usage of Viagra and other similar preparations. The effects of Sildenafil can be met in various natural products. Watermelon contains an amino acid, which is known as citrulline. It is converted into arginine. This is the precursor of nitric oxide, which possesses the capability of expansion of the blood vessels. It has the same effectuality as PDE-5 inhibitors. It relaxes and dilates blood vessels of the penis securing sufficient amounts of blood streaming.Man-and-woman-in-bed

Of course, there appears a reasonable and burning question about the dosing. What dosing is required for firm, lasting and dependable erection? This question remains unanswered. It is known that conventional 4-ounce serving has nearly 150 of citrulline. This makes approximately 10 watermelon balls. Three 8-ounce glasses of juice extracted from a watermelon enhance the presence of arginine for 11%. The examinees took them each day in the course of three weeks. Nevertheless, the future studies should take place to figure out this necessary fact.

Conclusions by Canadian Health&Care Mall Experts

What is there to say in the end? Obviously, the positive influence upon male potency has been actually proven. Notwithstanding, the final results are far from being settled. Therefore, you can rely on this product, if you experience problems with erectile dysfunction.

You can seek for other natural plants and herbs that can duplicate the effects of Sildenafil and other substances of its class. Alternatively, you can use these inhibitors. Though they are artificially created and there are potential risks on their usage, they are pretty safe.

Commonly, adverse reactions happen while inappropriate dosing. The violation of dosing regimen is one the most frequent reasons for the appearance of harmful effects. In addition, many examinees ignore some contraries on the usage.

If following all the recommendations and prescriptions of your physician, you will avoid these effects and will receive the necessary effective and safe treatment.