Nearly 15 years ago diabetes has entered the list of world’s most widely spread diseases that can hardly be controlled, not speaking of health and life complications that they lead to. The first symptoms that accompany the illness are fatigue, increase thirst and hunger, itchy skin and blurred vision, rapid weight loss for no obvious reasons. And then a patient goes to the doctor to check whether he’s a paranoiac and things are just fine or he’s having diabetes.

TOP 5 Anti Diabetic Pills That Work for Different People

The latter case makes one change his life completely, undergo regular examinations and tests, limit consumption of certain foods, refuse from many favorite products, check levels of sugar in blood, etc. The intake of special medications is also in the list. Unfortunately, they can’t cure the disease fast or once and for all, yet they help to survive through symptoms, prevent complications and live a normal life, more or less.

Your doctor will surely suggest the best drugs that suit your case and symptoms, yet it doesn’t mean that you should be ignorant of available medications, their use, benefits and drawbacks. So, what is the list of top five pills?

TOP 5 Anti Diabetic Pills That Work for Different People

  • Glyset

Glyset is a well-known alpha-glucose inhibitor that blocks the enzymes that aid the starches digestion. As a result, the drug is able to bring the blood sugar spike back to norm. Self-treatment leads only to negative results, especially with diabetes. So as long as you’re on Glyset, please, follow doctor’s recommendations. Normally, the drug is taken three times per day with meals only.

Are there any side effects to be expected? Yes, there are, as in case with any diabetes drug. The list includes nausea, cramps and flatulence. Some additional alpha-glycosidase related by-effects may also occur.

  • Biguanides

Biguanides work along with insulin injections assisting them in transporting sugar to the cells faster and more effectively. The drug combination makes it possible to reduce bloodstream’s sugar amounts, dissuade the liver from allowing store glucose into the system, etc.

This medication is often prescribed to type 2 diabetics who suffer from obesity. Unfortunately, Biguanides isn’t effective when used alone and is capable of miracles when combined with other diabetes medications.

Can its use be contraindicated? Yes, if a patient suffers from:

  1. liver disorders;
  2. lung disorders;
  3. heart-related problems;
  4. high creatinine levels.

Besides, these pills can cause both mild and severe side effects like stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea, bloating, vomiting or even risks of developing lactic acidosis.

  • Meglitinides

These drugs are in the list of top recommended to diabetics due to their ability to bring the elevated blood sugar levels down in the most successful and safest way ever. The medications work via pancreatic stimulation, which results in the insulin increased release.

Meglitinides are chosen for one more reason: they work regardless of how high insulin levels are, which means that patient’s chances for hypoglycemia are very low.

  • Sulfonylureas

These are perhaps the first diabetic drugs that date back to 1950’s. Their action method differs from those of traditional medications: instead of involving into direct glucose level reduction, they work encouraging the pancreas discharging insulin amounts. What’s the effect? Drug’s active ingredients restore insulin secretion to normal levels and ensure a well-balanced sugar level for a long time. Thus, an easy control of diabetes type 2 is possible.

Note: over the past years there appeared new generations of Sulfonylureas that are prescribed by doctors from all over the world (Glipizide and Glyburide). They are taken orally and really lead to stunning results. Nevertheless, the intake of medication can cause by-effects in some groups of patients. The 2nd generation pills lead to skin rash, stomach upset, hypoglycemia and body weight increase.

  • Thiazolidinediones

They are also referred as Glitazones – drugs for insulin resistance enhancement.  They increase levels of insulin resistance in muscles and fat tissue. These medications are known for taking control over the glucose amounts that are let by the liver.

Glitazones are prescription medications. And even if you are informed of the right dosage, you still have to take pills with caution to escape the rare incidents of headache, fluid retention or lung infection.

Does Vitamin D Help?

There exists an option that it does help. Vitamin D is useful for prevention and treatment of diabetes (both type 1 and 2). Its supplementation works improving blood sugar control in case of type 1 diabetics who are vitamin deficient. There is also a clear accusation between the calcium risk of type 2 diabetes and Vitamin D intake. When there is a combined intake of the vitamin and calcium, all the risks get lower.

Diabetes and Diets: Myths and Facts

  • There is no way for sugar in your life – MYTH

Anyone can keel enjoying some of his favorite treats. The only thing to avoid is the so-called hidden sugars that are present in most packaged products. – TRUTH

  • All diabetics have to cut down on carbs – MYTH

A well-balanced diet allows consuming carbs in moderate amounts. The type and size of carbs is what really important. It is better to focus on whole grain carbs as they include much fiber and are really slowly digested. These carbs are able to keep the blood sugar levels in norm. – FACT

  • Your diet should be a high-protein one – MYTH

If a diabetic eats too much protein (animal protein), his body has all chances to become insulin resistant. What he needs is a healthy diet that includes fats, carbs and proteins, too. These three elements are highly important for proper body functioning.  – FACT

  • Diabetics eat only special diabetic meals – MYTH

Frankly speaking, diabetic foods are very expensive, yet they never bring great benefits that patients expect. Diabetics are often allowed to eat with their friends and family, if they eat in moderation. –FACT

Knowing Numbers Is Essential

There are blood sugar levels that any diabetic should check regularly. However, these aren’t the only numbers he is to be aware of:

  • A1C measures blood sugar levels over time and it must be measured twice a years;
  • weight & blood pressure must be checked every time a diabetic visits his physician;
  • cholesterol levels are checked once per 5 years. Checking can take place more often, if a person has real problems with cholesterol.

Don’t forget to count carbs. Why is that so essential? The thing is that they send the blood sugar in a roller-coaster ride and should be tracked all the time. For example, most females need 35-45 gr. of carbs per meal. In case with males this index increases to 45-60 gr. For so you know, a cup of pasta/rice is 45 gr.

Doctors often suggest pairing carbs with proteins to slow down digestion and stay full for a long period of time. Fiber is helpful as well. It plays a vital part in the process of blood sugar control. In fact fiber can clear out cholesterol that usually builds up in blood vessels. Really good resources of carbs and fiber are sweet potatoes, white bread, dried beans and pumpkins. If you are a diabetic, combine pills with healthy foods for a better effect.

Cases Differ, So Do the Effects

Let’s make things clear: different medications as well as their combinations work for different people. There is no single diabetes scheme that can be learned inside out. Each type 2 case differs from all others. Some sufferers are insulin-resistant and have plenty of it in blood, yet still their muscles keep resisting it. Others belong to an insulin-deficient type and their body doesn’t produce enough of it. And finally, there’s the 3rd type – the so-called combination of first two types.

Note: It’s really tough to pick the right treatment course. Most professionals consult others as to the opinions and experience they have. Doctors usually vary pills until the most successful regimen is found. Even in a case of a proper treatment, side effects may take place. They are specific for each patient. So, broadly speaking, anyone can experience anything.

Check with your physician. Read all instructions and listen to doc’s advice. Make it clear what should be taken with meals (much water or whatever). Keep to the schedule and observe that the illness regresses.

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