If only B. Franklin knew what a great influence will his known saying have on people’s mind long after his death. ‘Eat to live, don’t live to eat’ was what he said and is what we are going to talk about today. Honestly speaking, mindful eating has always been of great importance. It helps achieve much better health, though millions of people worldwide still don’t understand it. It doesn’t mean you have to reduce greatly the amount of food consumed; it’s just that your eating should be moderate and well-balanced. Will you cope with the aim? Canadian Health&Care Mall professional team is here to help you.

The Age of Emotional Eaters

HealthCare Industry

Most of us, if not all, are emotional eaters. We eat not to keep up the biological process and survive, but to reveal stress and depression, find comfort and even when we just need to busy ourselves with something while watching TV, talking and having fun. The age we live in is the age of emotional eaters and the cult of food.

This is where the problems of excess weight come from. The foods we eat provide more energy than we spend. And as most kinds of jobs are sedentary activities in offices, we gain more weight day by day.

Are You an Emotional Eater?

There’s an easy way to learn whether you’re an emotional eater or not. Check whether you have most of these symptoms, and you will have the answer you are looking for:

  1. feeling of strong shame & guilt concerning binge eating;
  2. frequent consumption of large amounts of food;
  3. self-induced vomiting after meals because of the weight-loss plan;
  4. consumption that has already come out of control;
  5. eating when not hungry;
  6. eating during stress and points of discomfort;
  7. eating alone all the time.

If for some reason you find it really hard to deal with overeating and a cult of food in your family, seek professional help before an unhealthy habit turns into a health risk.

TOP 5 Overeating Risks You Can Face Sooner or Later

  • It all starts with weight gain

We talk about an unhealthy weight gain that is the main danger of over-eating in teens and grown-ups.  When a man or woman consumes more calories than the body is able to burn during the day, he/she gains pounds regularly. The problem of obesity is one of the burning ones. Because of extremely tasty but very unhealthy fast food meals and beverages people add to their cult of food problems and health risks.

  • One should expect coronary artery disease

This is the biggest overeating risk. High cholesterol levels and well as high blood pressure are the main disorder risks during which the arteries narrow down and aren’t able to supply blood in the amount required. Whenever there’s coronary heart disease, there are always accompanying issues like irregular heartbeat, heart failure, heart attacks and angina.

  • Children and diabetes

The problem of living to eat is common for many children and teenagers. And though years ago the development of type two diabetes wasn’t usual for children, today those with excess weight have it more often. It’s the insulin resistant diabetes type that reduces life duration and adds to complications. It is able to interfere with body’s ability to use insulin and keep the levels of blood sugar under control. In some cases it can be treated by regular consumption of healthy food and refusal from refined and sugar drinks. If these tricks don’t help, serious measures are taken.

  • Risks for strokes in people of different age

Why do strokes occur? They happen mainly because:

  1. the blood clots block arteries;
  2. a blood vessel breaks and interrupts the blood flow to the brain.

The cells die and the damage is obvious immediately. Conditions depend on where the stroke occurs. It may influence speech, movement and memory, weakness in a limb, etc. High cholesterol levels as well as excessive weight contribute to the condition.

  • Mental dangers come hand in hand with physical ones

Did you know that chronic overeating affects your mental health? Self-esteem and self-image greatly depend on how a man or woman feels about his/her looks. Gaining excess weight makes one feel less confident. It time this will lead to depression, negative self-image, anxiety, difficulties in sexual intercourse, etc.

What’s the Real Role of Food?

Canadian Health & Care Mall team decided to increase your awareness of how one should eat. We assist in giving preferences to a nutritional therapy and explain what temporary and permanent effects it may lead to.

There are several main characteristics to be developed. Each of them allows increasing the ability of being healthy and choosing the right food:

  • indentifying what hunger is and differentiating it from sadness, anger or depression;
  • obtaining an ability to recognize when the body gives signals that you are hungry or full;
  • developing more control over what and how much we eat, the way we eat and how often we have snack;
  • identifying the effects that different foods have on us.

Why is nutritious therapy so essential? It helps an average person consider eating habits, changing them depending on mood and diet plans. But it also requires people to acknowledge that we are four in one: body, mind, emotion and soul. When taking into account all four parts of our life, we are able to maintain both a healthy body and a healthy mind, emotions that are under control and soul that is clear.

There’s surely the value of enjoying foods. There are short mood shifts every time it comes to eating something tasty. There’s no person who could refuse from this kind of pleasure. There’s no need to associate it with something bad or negative, feel guilt or whatever. But one should do whatever he can to avoid over-enjoying and over-eating. Otherwise it will become a disease that isn’t healed in a day or two and accompanied by greed, irritation and stress.